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This page (revision-131) was last changed on 24-Nov-2007 05:05 by  

This page was created on 10-Sep-2007 12:14 by SuviLeppänen

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Huom! Jos olet ilmoittanut tuovasi setin, mutta et voikaan jostain syystä tuoda, ilmoitathan siitä pian. Settien määrä on nimittäin aika tarkalla.
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|[{Counter}] |Andrey Gomenyuk | 5 dan |Russia | |
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|[{Counter}] |Miika Nikula |3 dan |YliGo | |
|[{Counter}] |Miika Nikula |3 dan |YliGo | Kyllä/Torni |
At line 15 added 3 lines
|[{Counter}] |Mika Urtela |3 dan |YliGo | Kyllä/torni|
|[{Counter}] |Antti Holappa |3 dan |PoGo | kyllä/torni (mahdollisesti muualle) |
|[{Counter}] |Timo Puha |3 dan |KanPai | |
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|[{Counter}] |Ilkka Mattila |2 dan |OGP | |
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|[{Counter}] |Simo Eerola |2 dan |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Teemu Rovio |2 dan |Kanpai | |Setti
|[{Counter}] |Mikko Lappeteläinen |1 dan |PoGo |Sovittu, Suvi&Teemu |
|[{Counter}] |Teemu Rovio |2 dan |Kanpai | |Setti
|[{Counter}] |Tuomas Hella |2 dan |Rajamäki | |
|[{Counter}] |Olli Hella |1 dan |YliGo | |
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|[{Counter}] |Antti Tarvainen |1 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Anssi Voutilainen |1 kyu |JoSeki |kyllä |
|[{Counter}] |Anssi Voutilainen |1 kyu |JoSeki |Suvin & Teemun rotille sopivin kolo (kai se on sovittu) |
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|[{Counter}] |Jari Kolehmainen |2 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Jouni Valkonen |3 kyu |Hayashi |Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Juho Pennanen |1 kyu |YliGo | |Setti
|[{Counter}] |Jari Kolehmainen |1 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Magnus Merikaarnio |1 kyu |Säkylä |Suvi&Teemu |
|[{Counter}] |Rauli Ruohonen |1 kyu |PoGo |Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Dmitriev Vadim |2 kyu |Russia | |
|[{Counter}] |Antti Mankinen |2 kyu |Lahti | |
|[{Counter}] |Daniel Landau |2 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Matti Parviainen |2 kyu |Hayashi |Torni |Setti
|[{Counter}] |Jouni Luoma |2 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Jouni Valkonen |3 kyu |Hayashi |Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Petteri Tamminen |3 kyu |YliGo |Kyllä/Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Lauri Lintula |3 kyu |Kanpai | |
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|[{Counter}] |Ilkka Virta |5 kyu |Skinnarila |joo |
|[{Counter}] | Tomi Petäjäniemi | 5 kyu | Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Esa Pulkkinen|4 kyu |Kanpai | |
|[{Counter}] |Valtteri Huttunen|4 kyu |Hayashi | |
|[{Counter}] |Annika Piiroinen|4 kyu |HGK |Kyllä/Torni (mahdollisesti muualle) |Juniori
|[{Counter}] |Ilkka Virta |5 kyu |Skinnarila |Suvin ja Teemun lattia |
|[{Counter}] |Tomi Petäjäniemi | 5 kyu | Kanpai | |
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|[{Counter}] |Pekka Keipi |6 kyu |Dango | |
|[{Counter}] |Pekka Keipi |5 kyu |Dango |Ei |
|[{Counter}] |Maria Starikova |6 kyu |Russia | |
|[{Counter}] |Mika Mikkola | 6 kyu | Lahti | ei |
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|[{Counter}] |Mikael Nenonen |6 kyu |HGK |Kyllä/Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Johannes Elmnäinen |7 kyu |Turku | |
|[{Counter}] |Jouni Karvo |7 kyu | PoGo | | setti (kun sitä ilmeisesti siis kaivataan)
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|[{Counter}] |Hannele Ahlroos |9 kyu |Pori |Tod näk/Torni | Juniori
|[{Counter}] |Jesse Juntunen |8 kyu | - | Torni |
|[{Counter}] |Erik Keski-Ojala | 8 kyu | Gotek | |
|[{Counter}] |Eetu Erkkilä |8 kyu | Dango | - | Juniori
|[{Counter}] |Hannele Ahlroos |9 kyu |Pori |- | Juniori
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|[{Counter}] |Eelis Solala |9 kyu | - | |
|[{Counter}] |Juha Komulainen |9 kyu | - | |
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|[{Counter}] |Riku-Juhani Niemelä |11 kyu | - |Tod näk/Torni | ddk
|[{Counter}] |Riku-Juhani Niemelä |11 kyu | - | - | ddk
|[{Counter}] |Aleksi Romppainen |11 kyu | - | - | ddk
|[{Counter}] |Niilo Syvänen |14 kyu| HGK | | juniori
|[{Counter}] |Paavo Martikainen |15 kyu| Tengen | | Vaikka setti.
|[{Counter}] |Riikka Peltonen |18 kyu |Tampere/Dango |Ei | ddk
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|[{Counter}] | | | | |
|[{Counter}] | | | | |
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* Superalennus: Viidelle isonumeroisimmalle
double-digit-kyupelaajalle, jotka laittavat ilmoittautumiseensa
"superalennus"-merkinnän, osallistumismaksu on 5 euroa. Mikäli
pelaajia on pariton määrä, vapaakierrokset jaetaan näille pelaajille.
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* Super discount: for the five weakest double-digit kyu players who mark "super discount" on the registration table, the registration fee is 5 euros. In case of an odd number of players, free rounds are distributed among these players.
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
131 24-Nov-2007 05:05 5.057 kB to previous
130 24-Nov-2007 01:42 5.012 kB to previous | to last
129 23-Nov-2007 16:24 5.058 kB to previous | to last
128 23-Nov-2007 14:44 5.103 kB to previous | to last
127 23-Nov-2007 13:46 5.048 kB PekkaKeipi to previous | to last
126 22-Nov-2007 13:25 5.105 kB to previous | to last
125 22-Nov-2007 03:09 5.1 kB PekkaKeipi to previous | to last
124 21-Nov-2007 23:51 5.108 kB to previous | to last
123 21-Nov-2007 21:44 5.155 kB to previous | to last
122 21-Nov-2007 15:40 5.162 kB AnnikaPiiroinen to previous | to last
121 21-Nov-2007 10:38 5.073 kB Rauli Ruohonen to previous | to last joh, kai sitä vois kokeilla nimen rustaamista tähänkin
« This page (revision-131) was last changed on 24-Nov-2007 05:05 by