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[Tuloksia|Kani62014Tulokset] |
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__Säännöt__: Japanilaiset, komi 6,5 valkealle\\ |
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Muuta ohjelmaa: Paikalla on tanssipelejä ja 9x9-turnaus, jonka pääpalkintona on kilo makeisia. Lisäksi paikalla on kibitz-huone, jossa Antti Törmänen käy pelejä läpi. |
Muuta ohjelmaa: Paikalla on tanssipelejä sekä kibitz-huone, jossa Antti Törmänen käy pelejä läpi. |
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__17:00__ Antti Törmänen luennoi |
__19:00__ Sauna aukeaa |
__17:00__ Antti Törmänen luennoi \\ |
__18:00__ Sauna aukeaa \\ |
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[Results|Kani62014Tulokset] |
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__Rules__: Japanese, komi 6,5 for white\\ |
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Other entertainment: There are rhythm games at the tournament site and a 9x9 tournament, winner gets one kilogram of sweets. Additionally we have a kibitz-room where the first board game is commentated live. |
Other entertainment: There are rhythm games at the tournament site and a kibitz-room where Antti Törmänen reviews games. |
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The main organizers of the tournament are Hannele Ahlroos and Viktor Haimi. The chief referee of the tournament is Antti Nousiainen. The draw master of the tournament is Viktor Haimi.\\ |
The main organizers of the tournament are Hannele Ahlroos and Viktor Haimi. The chief referee of the tournament is Antti Nousiainen. The draw master of the tournament is Lauri Pitkäjärvi.\\ |
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__19:00__ Sauna opens |
__17:00__ Antti Törmänen gives a lecture \\ |
__18:00__ Sauna opens |