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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
ngd.png 154.1 kB 2 11-Dec-2023 22:53 TimK
ngd_small.png 154.1 kB 1 11-Dec-2023 22:55 TimK
rabbit_narrow.jpg 922.5 kB 1 27-Dec-2023 20:42 TimK

This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK  

This page was created on 09-Dec-2023 20:03 by Olli Ervelä

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[{Image src='' width='100%'}]
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[ pienilogo.png]\\
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[List of registered players |]\\
[List of registered players |]\\
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[Side tournaments|Kani6 2024 Sivuturnaukset]\\
[First 2 boards streamed | ]\\
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__Dates__: 02.03.2024 - 03.03.2024\\
__Dates__: __01.03.2024 - 03.03.2024__ \\(Main tournament 02.-03.03.2024)\\
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__Accommodation__: You can sleep in the venue for free (Sat-Sun). There are exercise mattresses. Bring your own sleeping bags / blankets\\
__Accommodation__: You can sleep in the venue for free (Fri-Sun). There are exercise mattresses. Bring your own sleeping bags / blankets\\
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[{Image src=' pienilogo.png' align='right' width='100%'}]
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__Prizes__: Listed below are minimum money prizes for top 5 EGF players, bonus points and seat to Grand Prix Finale. NGD vouchers and secondhand books for other good performances and possible money prizes depending on number of participants. Values might increase depending on number of participants.\\
__Financial support__
We offer free entry fee for few players who are at risk of not being able to participate due to financial troubles. Applicants can send free form application before tournament. First come first served.
__Prizes__: Listed below are minimum money prizes for top 5 EGF players, bonus points and seat to Grand Prix Finale. NGD vouchers and secondhand books for other good performances and possible money prizes depending on number of participants. Values might increase depending on number of participants. Best non-European who reaches to Top5 will get same minimum price as European's would.\\
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We provide coffee, tea and cookies\\
We provide coffee, tea and cookies.\\
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Please bring indoor shoes or warm socks\\
Please bring indoor shoes or warm socks.\\
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On Saturday we have a sauna-evening at tournament venue, free of charge\\
The tournament venue is wheelchair accessible.\\
On Friday and Saturday we have a sauna-evening at tournament venue, free of charge.\\
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Traditional and very casual Bonus Tournament happens at Sauna time (lightning games with handicaps)
Traditional and very casual Bonus Tournament happens at Sauna time (lightning games with handicaps)\\
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__How to get to venue__\\
You can find public transport from [reittiopas|], or by using Google maps. Tram number 3 comes right next to tournament venue from the center of Tampere, and railway station in 10 minutes. Nearest tram stop is Kalevanrinne.
You can pay your ticket in [several ways|], but cash isn’t one of them.\\
__Grocery stores, nearest restaurants etc.__
*S-market Kaleva, 200 m, nearest grocery store and ATM, open 06-24
*[Kauppakeskus Kale|], 450 m
**[Pancho Villa|], Mexican food
*Prisma, 600 m, a larger grocery store, open 24 h
**Alko: liquor store, open on Fri 9-21, Sat 9-18, Sunday closed. In Finland only mild alcoholic beverages are sold in grocery stores (between 09:00-21:00).
**[Pizza & Buffa|]
*[Kotipizza|], 170 m
*[Chitir Chicken|], 400 m
*[Public house Huurre|], 700 m
*[Chu Asian street food|], 700 m
*[McDonald's|], 750 m, open 24 h
*[Uma’s takeaway|], Indian cuisine, 800 m
*[Kasvisravintola Gopal|], (nearest full vegan restaurant which is open also on Saturday), 2 km
\\The tram can reach several other restaurants in 5-10 minutes.
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__18:00__ Casual games at pub Olutravintola Konttori ([Verkatehtaankatu 5 |])
__18:00__ Doors open\\
__19:00__ Lecture - Connecting stones by Teemu Rovio 3dan (Target audience 10-4kuys)\\
__20:00__ Sauna and casual games\\
__20:00-24:00__ Rengo tournament (13x13, with handicaps, the tournament rules favors kyu-dan -pairs)\\
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[{ALLOW view All}]
[{ALLOW edit Kanpai}]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
39 02-Mar-2024 11:02 5.963 kB TimK to previous
38 01-Mar-2024 16:57 5.858 kB TimK to previous | to last
37 27-Feb-2024 17:03 5.813 kB Mika to previous | to last link to view mode
36 27-Feb-2024 17:02 5.809 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
35 10-Feb-2024 17:08 5.827 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
34 07-Feb-2024 08:52 5.769 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 49 ilmoittautunutta!
33 30-Jan-2024 16:05 5.768 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 3.2 asti ennakkoilmoalennus! Lisätty palkintoihin myös ei-eu:laisille jos top5
32 30-Jan-2024 12:03 5.681 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Registration before 03.02.2024 25€
31 27-Dec-2023 23:43 5.68 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last Added few food options
30 27-Dec-2023 20:58 5.496 kB TimK to previous | to last
29 27-Dec-2023 20:54 5.483 kB TimK to previous | to last
28 27-Dec-2023 20:42 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
27 27-Dec-2023 20:23 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
26 24-Dec-2023 11:59 5.346 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
25 24-Dec-2023 03:56 5.339 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
24 24-Dec-2023 03:44 5.261 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
23 22-Dec-2023 11:26 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Yöpyminen mahdollista jo perjantaina
22 21-Dec-2023 12:22 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
21 21-Dec-2023 12:21 3.555 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Sauna-Luento-Perjantai aikataulu muutos
« This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK