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ngd.png 154.1 kB 2 11-Dec-2023 22:53 TimK
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This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK  

This page was created on 09-Dec-2023 20:03 by Olli Ervelä

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More info coming up soon!
!!This is 1st draft of tournament info. Site will be finalized as soon as possible.
!!Kanpai ry presents
!Kani 6 - Rabbity Six 2024 (Grandprix Bonus C)
[ pienilogo.png]\\
[Registration |]\\
[List of registered players |]\\
[Results|Kani6 2024Tulokset]\\
__Date__: 2.-3.3.2024\\
__Venue__: Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu - Sammonkadun toimipiste, Sammonkatu 45, 33540 Tampere, Suomi\\
__Accommodation__: Possibility to sleep on the tournament venue floor (sat-sun), if you want (we got excercise mattresses for cushion)\\
__Tournament system__: 5 rounds McMahon, no handicaps\\
__Rules__: Japanese, komi 6,5 for white\\
__Game times__: Basic time 60 minutes, Japanese byo-yomi 30s*3 (EGF A-class). \\
__Entrance fee__: 25€\\
__The tournament is open to all go players__
__Prizes__: Seat to Grandprix Finale, money, NGD vouchesr and secondhand books. Values might increase depending on number of participants.\\
| 1. place | Seat to Grandprix Finale + 160€
| 2. place | 120€
| 3. place | 80€
| 4. place | 40€
| 5. place | 20€
On Saturday we have a sauna-evening at tournament venue.
!!Time Table
__18:00__ Casual games at pub Olutravintola Konttori (Verkatehtaankatu 5)
__9:30__ Registration starts\\
coffee/tea served\\
__10:30__ Registration ends\\
__10:45__ Opening Ceremony\\
__11:00__ First round\\
__14:30__ Second round\\
__17:00__ Third round\\
__19:00__ Sauna opens\\
__20:00-24:00__ Bonus tournament(lightning games with handicaps)\\
__09:00__ Fourth round\\
__12:30__ Fifth round\\
__15:30__ Closing ceremony, prize-giving ceremony\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
39 02-Mar-2024 11:02 5.963 kB TimK to previous
38 01-Mar-2024 16:57 5.858 kB TimK to previous | to last
37 27-Feb-2024 17:03 5.813 kB Mika to previous | to last link to view mode
36 27-Feb-2024 17:02 5.809 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
35 10-Feb-2024 17:08 5.827 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
34 07-Feb-2024 08:52 5.769 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 49 ilmoittautunutta!
33 30-Jan-2024 16:05 5.768 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 3.2 asti ennakkoilmoalennus! Lisätty palkintoihin myös ei-eu:laisille jos top5
32 30-Jan-2024 12:03 5.681 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Registration before 03.02.2024 25€
31 27-Dec-2023 23:43 5.68 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last Added few food options
30 27-Dec-2023 20:58 5.496 kB TimK to previous | to last
29 27-Dec-2023 20:54 5.483 kB TimK to previous | to last
28 27-Dec-2023 20:42 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
27 27-Dec-2023 20:23 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
26 24-Dec-2023 11:59 5.346 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
25 24-Dec-2023 03:56 5.339 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
24 24-Dec-2023 03:44 5.261 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
23 22-Dec-2023 11:26 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Yöpyminen mahdollista jo perjantaina
22 21-Dec-2023 12:22 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
21 21-Dec-2023 12:21 3.555 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Sauna-Luento-Perjantai aikataulu muutos
« This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK