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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
ngd.png 154.1 kB 2 11-Dec-2023 22:53 TimK
ngd_small.png 154.1 kB 1 11-Dec-2023 22:55 TimK
rabbit_narrow.jpg 922.5 kB 1 27-Dec-2023 20:42 TimK

This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK  

This page was created on 09-Dec-2023 20:03 by Olli Ervelä

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!!This is 1st draft of tournament info. Site will be finalized as soon as possible.
!!This is a draft of tournament info. Site will be finalized as soon as possible.
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!!Kanpai ry presents
!!Kanpai Ry presents
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%%( font-size: 150%; )
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[Questions|Kani6 2024Kysymykset]\\
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__Date__: 2.-3.3.2024\\
__Date__: 02.03.2024 - 03.03.2024\\
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__Accommodation__: Possibility to sleep on the tournament venue floor (sat-sun), if you want (we got excercise mattresses for cushion)\\
__Accommodation__: You can sleep in the venue for free (Sat-Sun). There are exercise mattresses. Bring your own sleeping bags / blankets\\
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__Game times__: Basic time 60 minutes, Japanese byo-yomi 30s*3 (EGF A-class). \\
__Entrance fee__: 25€\\
__The tournament is open to all go players__
__Game times__: Basic time 60 minutes, Japanese byo-yomi 30s*3 (EGF A-class) \\
__The tournament is open to all go players!__\\
At line 25 added 8 lines
__Entrance fee__
| Registration before 03.01.2024 | 20€
| Registration before 03.02.2024 | 25€
| Registration after 03.02.2024 | 30€
__DDK and under 18 y.o. players get 5€ discount__\\
Payment options: cash, MobilePay, PayPal\\
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| Other good results | NGD voucher and secondhand books
Other outstanding results might be rewarded with NGD vouchers and/or secondhand books\\
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__Other info__\\
We provide coffee, tea and cookies.\\
On Saturday we have a sauna-evening at tournament venue, free of charge\\
Bring your towel. No swimsuit required, there will be shifts\\
Traditional and very casual Bonus Tournament happens at Sauna time (lightning games with handicaps)
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On Saturday we have a sauna-evening at tournament venue.
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coffee/tea served\\
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__20:00-24:00__ Bonus tournament(lightning games with handicaps)\\
__20:00-24:00__ Bonus Tournament (lightning games with handicaps)\\
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!! Contact info
ogeli89 at
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
39 02-Mar-2024 11:02 5.963 kB TimK to previous
38 01-Mar-2024 16:57 5.858 kB TimK to previous | to last
37 27-Feb-2024 17:03 5.813 kB Mika to previous | to last link to view mode
36 27-Feb-2024 17:02 5.809 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
35 10-Feb-2024 17:08 5.827 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
34 07-Feb-2024 08:52 5.769 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 49 ilmoittautunutta!
33 30-Jan-2024 16:05 5.768 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last 3.2 asti ennakkoilmoalennus! Lisätty palkintoihin myös ei-eu:laisille jos top5
32 30-Jan-2024 12:03 5.681 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Registration before 03.02.2024 25€
31 27-Dec-2023 23:43 5.68 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last Added few food options
30 27-Dec-2023 20:58 5.496 kB TimK to previous | to last
29 27-Dec-2023 20:54 5.483 kB TimK to previous | to last
28 27-Dec-2023 20:42 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
27 27-Dec-2023 20:23 5.44 kB TimK to previous | to last
26 24-Dec-2023 11:59 5.346 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
25 24-Dec-2023 03:56 5.339 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
24 24-Dec-2023 03:44 5.261 kB Aura Arola to previous | to last
23 22-Dec-2023 11:26 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Yöpyminen mahdollista jo perjantaina
22 21-Dec-2023 12:22 3.557 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last
21 21-Dec-2023 12:21 3.555 kB Olli Ervelä to previous | to last Sauna-Luento-Perjantai aikataulu muutos
« This page (revision-39) was last changed on 02-Mar-2024 11:02 by TimK