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This page (revision-123) was last changed on 07-Nov-2009 07:39 by  

This page was created on 11-Sep-2009 11:28 by

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Difference between version and

At line 18 added one line
|[{Counter}] | Lauri Paatero |4 dan | HGK | - | ei | -
At line 57 added one line
|[{Counter}] | Esa Pulkkinen | 4 kyu |Kanpai| ei | - | -
At line 60 removed one line
|[{Counter}] | Mika Lähteenmäki | 4 kyu | Kanpai | | |
At line 62 changed one line
|[{Counter}] | Janne Forsell | 5 kyu | - | - | - | -
|[{Counter}] | Janne Forsell | 5 kyu | TTGoK | - | - | -
At line 68 removed one line
|[{Counter}] | Joona Kinnunen | 8 kyu | Kanpai | ei | - | -
At line 72 removed one line
|[{Counter}] | Aapo Alasuutari | 11 kyu | Kanpai | ei | Kaksinumeroinen kyu | -
At line 73 added one line
|[{Counter}] | Timo Hassinen | 12 kyu | HGK | ei | Kaksinumeroinen kyu |
At line 81 removed one line
|[{Counter}] | Jere Peltola | 30 kyu | TTGoK | - | TTGoK-alkeiskurssi |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
123 07-Nov-2009 07:39 5.307 kB to previous
122 06-Nov-2009 22:52 5.303 kB to previous | to last
121 06-Nov-2009 19:17 5.36 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-123) was last changed on 07-Nov-2009 07:39 by