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This page (revision-36) was last changed on 17-Jan-2014 11:54 by Ville Ainali  

This page was created on 29-Oct-2013 10:34 by

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At line 11 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Su Yang | 6 dan | OGP| | |
|[{Counter}]| Su Yang | 6 dan | OGP| vegetarian food| |
At line 14 changed 14 lines
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| Mikko Polojärvi | 2 kyu | OGP | on | tarvin, linnanmaalta |
|[{Counter}]| Ville Ainali| 4 dan| OGP| |kyyti henri,jeff,vesa, klo 12 jälkeen.|
|[{Counter}]| Janne Kössö|4 dan |OGP | |tarvitsen, kaukovainiolta |
|[{Counter}]| Markus Hietava | 1k |OGP | lihansyöjä |kyyti mikko n, ilkka l,ilkka p, anne,|
|[{Counter}]| Anne Heikkilä | 20k |OGP | | |
|[{Counter}]| Ilkka Peuhkuri | 5k |OGP | | |
|[{Counter}]| Jarkko Matilainen | 3k |OGP | kasvis| kyyti janne, kalle, mikko p|
|[{Counter}]| Vesa Kauppinen| 4kyu |OGP | | tarvitsee teekkaritalolta|
|[{Counter}]| Kalle Leppälä | 1 dan| OGP| kasvis| tarvitsen Tuirasta|
|[{Counter}]| Ilkka Launonen | 3kyu| OGP| | tarvitsen Linnanmaalta| takaisin ajoissa su neljän jälkeen
|[{Counter}]| Juuso Tornberg | 8 kyu | OGP | laktoositon | | päiväseltään ainakin lauantaina
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
36 17-Jan-2014 11:54 1.931 kB Ville Ainali to previous
35 17-Jan-2014 11:51 1.941 kB Ville Ainali to previous | to last
34 17-Jan-2014 11:50 1.941 kB Ville Ainali to previous | to last
33 17-Jan-2014 11:43 1.93 kB Ville Ainali to previous | to last
32 17-Jan-2014 07:52 1.877 kB to previous | to last
31 16-Jan-2014 22:42 1.944 kB to previous | to last
30 16-Jan-2014 18:47 1.991 kB to previous | to last
29 16-Jan-2014 18:36 1.845 kB to previous | to last
28 16-Jan-2014 17:59 1.925 kB to previous | to last
27 16-Jan-2014 10:06 1.885 kB to previous | to last
26 15-Jan-2014 19:56 1.885 kB to previous | to last
25 15-Jan-2014 19:55 1.867 kB to previous | to last
24 15-Jan-2014 17:45 1.886 kB to previous | to last
23 15-Jan-2014 17:44 1.887 kB to previous | to last
22 15-Jan-2014 17:44 1.886 kB to previous | to last
21 14-Jan-2014 01:16 1.736 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-36) was last changed on 17-Jan-2014 11:54 by Ville Ainali