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jsm1.12 jani-vesa.sgf 1.6 kB 1 22-Apr-2012 18:51 Jani Johansson jsm2012 jani-vesa
jsm2.12 jani anttoni.sgf 2.1 kB 1 22-Apr-2012 18:52 Jani Johansson jsm2012 jani-anttoni
jsm3.12 jani-teemu.sgf 1.1 kB 1 22-Apr-2012 18:52 Jani Johansson jsm2012 jani-teemu
jsm4.12 jani-valtteri.sgf 0.9 kB 1 22-Apr-2012 18:52 Jani Johansson jsm2012 jani-valtteri
jsm5.12 jani-jari.sgf 1.4 kB 1 22-Apr-2012 18:52 Jani Johansson jsm2012 jani-jari

This page (revision-103) was last changed on 31-Aug-2016 08:11 by  

This page was created on 10-Jun-2007 16:00 by

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At line 113 added one line
At line 115 added one line
At line 117 added 21 lines
||Kirjan Nimi|| Lainassa
|Graded go problems for beginners vol 1|
|Graded go problems for beginners vol 2|
|Dictionary of basic joseki 1|
|Dictionary of basic joseki 2|
|Cho Hun Hyun's lectures at the opening|
|Fundamental principles of go| Erkkilä
|Come up to shodan | Erkkilä
|Making good shape | Pekka H.
|After joseki | Pekka H.
|Dictionary of basic joseki I |
|Dictionary of basic joseki II |
|Dictionary of basic joseki III |
|Dictionary of basic joseki IV |
|21st Century New Openings |
|This is haengma |
|The Master Of Haengma |
|The Nihon Ki-in Handbook of Proverbs |
|The Nihon Ki-in Handbook of Fuseki |
|The Nihon Ki-in Handbook of Star Point Joseki |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
103 31-Aug-2016 08:11 1.888 kB to previous
102 31-Aug-2016 08:10 1.89 kB to previous | to last
101 31-Aug-2016 08:09 1.87 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-103) was last changed on 31-Aug-2016 08:11 by