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This page (revision-59) was last changed on 24-Oct-2015 08:06 by  

This page was created on 01-Sep-2015 21:48 by Arto Heikkinen

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At line 16 added 4 lines
|[{Counter}]| Charlie Åkerblom |5 dan | Norrköping | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Mikko Nevala |4 dan |OGP |ei |
|[{Counter}]| Jesse Savoy | 4 dan | Hayashi | |
|[{Counter}]| Pekka Lukkari | 4 dan | YliGo | Ei |
At line 21 added one line
|[{Counter}]| Kalle Timperi | 3 dan | YliGo | ei |
At line 18 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Anttoni Maula | 2 dan | YliGo | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Anttoni Maula | 2 dan | YliGo | ei | Voin majoittaa pari tyyppiä ehkä
At line 25 added 7 lines
|[{Counter}]| Janne Nikula | 2 dan | YliGo | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Xining Li | 2 dan | Espoo | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Olli Pulkkinen | 2 dan | YliGo | ei | pelaan vain lauantaina
|[{Counter}]| Pekka Lajunen | about | HGK | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Samuel Laire | 1 dan | HGK | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Eerik Norvio | 1 dan |YliGo | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Ari Hietanen | 1 kyu |YliGo | ei |
At line 21 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Sami Hätälä | 3 kyu | OGP | Ehkä | Ehkä
|[{Counter}]| Anssi Koivusalo | 2 kyu | YliGo | ei
|[{Counter}]| Niko Ekilä | 2 kyu | Hayashi | kyllä |
At line 23 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Niko Ekilä | 4 kyu | Hayashi | kyllä |
|[{Counter}]| Roope Nygård | 4 kyu | YliGo | Nää |
|[{Counter}]| Jim Wilenius | 4 kyu | Stockholm | No |
|[{Counter}]| Olli Koistinen | 4 kyu | YliGo | ei |
At line 41 added one line
|[{Counter}]| Jan Willemson | 5 kyu | Tartu | ei |
At line 43 added one line
|[{Counter}]| Atte Jaantila | 7 kyu | eGo | ei |
At line 46 added 2 lines
|[{Counter}]| Wenhua Xu | 8 kyu | | No | estimated rank
|[{Counter}]| Jaakko Hujanen | 8 kyu | | Ei |
At line 30 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Marko Luoma | 11 kyu | YliGo | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Tommi Tuura | 9 kyu | YliGo | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Marko Luoma | 11 kyu | YliGo | Ei, majoitan Avan, Sakun ja Roopen |
|[{Counter}]| Riina Arffman | 15 kyu | YliGo | Ei |
At line 55 added one line
|[{Counter}]| Thomas Liljeroth | 24 kyu | | Ei |
At line 35 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Ava Koponen | 30 kyu | | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Tibo Lefevre | 25 kyu | | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Ava Koponen | 30 kyu | | Ei |
At line 45 removed 6 lines
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
59 24-Oct-2015 08:06 3.81 kB to previous
58 23-Oct-2015 18:50 3.758 kB to previous | to last
57 23-Oct-2015 18:43 3.704 kB to previous | to last
56 23-Oct-2015 18:20 3.683 kB to previous | to last
55 23-Oct-2015 18:18 3.629 kB to previous | to last
54 23-Oct-2015 17:03 3.553 kB to previous | to last
53 23-Oct-2015 15:41 3.539 kB to previous | to last
52 23-Oct-2015 12:56 3.476 kB to previous | to last
51 23-Oct-2015 12:52 3.476 kB to previous | to last
50 22-Oct-2015 21:02 3.46 kB Henkka to previous | to last
49 22-Oct-2015 17:49 3.509 kB Antti S to previous | to last
48 22-Oct-2015 08:18 3.509 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
47 22-Oct-2015 00:33 3.577 kB to previous | to last Katotaan joku seuraava turnaus.
46 21-Oct-2015 20:34 3.633 kB to previous | to last
45 21-Oct-2015 12:00 3.581 kB to previous | to last
44 20-Oct-2015 23:49 3.527 kB to previous | to last
43 19-Oct-2015 18:39 3.471 kB to previous | to last
42 19-Oct-2015 15:55 3.371 kB Anttoni Maula to previous | to last
41 18-Oct-2015 23:24 3.339 kB Henkka to previous | to last
« This page (revision-59) was last changed on 24-Oct-2015 08:06 by