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This page (revision-17) was last changed on 03-Oct-2014 12:52 by Arto Heikkinen  

This page was created on 04-Sep-2014 19:53 by Arto Heikkinen

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Kukahan tuo herra Umezawa on? Voisin harkita majoittamista (Espoon Keskuksen lähellä; 30 min matkaa). -Esa 30.9
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Pitäisköhän tämä turnaus lisätä [GorTurnaukset]-sivulle, koska sitä mainostetaan B-luokan turnauksena?
Herra Umezawa on vaihto-oppilas Japanista ja opiskelee tällä hetkellä Lappeenrannan yliopistossa. Olisi majoitustarvetta Casualin lauantain ja sunnuntain väliselle yölle. Olisi oikein hienoa, jos voisit jeesata kaverin majoituksessa :) -Arto 30.9.
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-- Markku, 26.9. 2014
Eiköhän tuo onnistu, jeesaan mielelläni. :) - Esa
Suuret kiitokset Esa! Ilmoitan Masahirolle, että majoittaja on löytynyt. -Arto 1.10.
Milläs säännöillä toi 9×9 pelataan, tosin ei 19×19:ssakaan sääntöjä lue. – Mika
Sivu- ja pääturnaus pelataan japanilaisilla säännöillä ja EGF:n turnaussäännöillä. -Arto 1.10.
!Some info about the side tournament
As you may have noticed, we will have a little 9x9 side tournament on Helsinki Casual's saturday. The idea for 9x9 games came from Su Yang, 6 dan, aka Jeff. At the moment Jeff has students who are not that familiar with games on a large 19x19 board. The same is with YliGo's new representatives. We thought that it's best for all the new players to experience their first tournament games on a smaller board.
The 9x9 side tournament is mainly meant for 20-30 kyu players, but of course anyone can participate. And if you choose to participate in the side tournament, you can still join the main tournament (rounds 3,4 and 5) after the side tournament ends.
-Arto 30.9.
Will be great 2 see Jeff there. And yeah man,'re you sure there will be space to organize two tournaments at once? There are a lot o' players.
-Bean, aka BruNo
Yea it's great to see Jeff and his students take part. Mannerheim hall is large enough for both tournaments. No worries :)
-Arto 3.10.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
17 03-Oct-2014 12:52 2.06 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous
16 01-Oct-2014 18:41 1.92 kB to previous | to last
15 01-Oct-2014 10:35 1.756 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
14 01-Oct-2014 02:15 1.566 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
13 01-Oct-2014 02:15 1.598 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
12 01-Oct-2014 02:09 1.605 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
11 01-Oct-2014 00:30 1.512 kB Mika to previous | to last Mitkäs säännöt
10 30-Sep-2014 20:51 1.429 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
9 30-Sep-2014 11:51 1.178 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
8 30-Sep-2014 11:50 1.178 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
7 30-Sep-2014 11:50 1.176 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
6 30-Sep-2014 11:50 1.174 kB Esa Koskinen to previous | to last
5 30-Sep-2014 09:57 1.059 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
4 26-Sep-2014 12:34 0.339 kB to previous | to last
3 26-Sep-2014 12:10 0.478 kB to previous | to last
2 26-Sep-2014 12:09 0.478 kB to previous | to last
1 04-Sep-2014 19:53 0.339 kB Arto Heikkinen to last
« This page (revision-17) was last changed on 03-Oct-2014 12:52 by Arto Heikkinen