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This page (revision-6) was last changed on 04-Oct-2014 13:20 by Arto Heikkinen  

This page was created on 30-Aug-2014 08:04 by Arto Heikkinen

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Pelaaminen on kaikilla kierroksilla vapaata eli myös huippuryhmäläiset voivat vapaasti ilmoittaa jättävänsä kierroksia väliin, jos siltä tuntuu.
Pelaaminen on kaikilla kierroksilla vapaata eli myös huippuryhmäläiset voivat vapaasti ilmoittaa jättävänsä kierroksia väliin, jos siltä tuntuu. __Jos aiot skipata kierroksia, ilmoita siitä turnausjärjestäjille riittävän ajoissa!__
At line 71 added 80 lines
!!!Helsinki Casual 4.-5.10.2014
Helsinki Casual is a weekend tournament in the centre of Helsinki on the first weekend of October. The tournament will be played with McMahon system and it lasts five rounds. Thanks to the tournament's very relaxed nature and very generous handicap system Helsinki Casual fits players of all levels.
Everyone is welcome to play in Helsinki Casual!
!!Tournament and rules
* Five rounds McMahon tournament
* Japanese rules and EGF tournament rules
* Handicap stones are used if players' MMS difference is two or greater. Handicap will be MMS difference -1.
* No tie breakers. Equal MMS points are equal standings. e.g. Players with 4 wins are tied.
* EGF B class tournament
* Basic time 30 minutes
* For every move, time is incremented by 15 seconds. (Fischer)
* Komi 6,5 points, in handicap games 0 points
The players are free to skip as many rounds as the want to. Even top group players can skip rounds, if they want to do so. __If you want to skip rounds, please notify the organizers__!
!!Tournament venue
The tournament venue is The Mannerheim hall of The New Student House. The street address is __Mannerheimintie 5 A, 5th floor__. Unfortunately there is no elevator, which means that there will be a lot of walking in the stairs. The tournament venue [on Google Maps|,24.957161&sspn=0.115387,0.32135&ie=UTF8&z=16&om=1].
The Helsinki central railway station and the terminal for long-distance buses are both about 500 metres from the tournament venue.
!!Participation fees
* Pre-registered players 10 euros
* Non pre-registered players 15 euros
* 10 kyu - 30 kyu 5 euros
If you offer accommodation for at least one player, you can play for free.
Pre-registration ends on Friday 3th of October at eight o'clock in the evening. So if you want to pay the reduced participation fee, write your information on the [registration page|HelsinkiCasual2014Ilmoittautuminen] before this deadline. Pre-registered players are required to attend the registration on Saturday morning.
__If you don't know how to edit the registration page, you can also pre-register by sending an email to the tournament organizer. In this mail state your first and last name, rank and go club (not obligatory). Private accommodation will be arranged for as many players as possible upon request. If you need private accommodation, please tell this in your pre-registration email.__
The winner of the tournament gets 80 euros and the second best gets 40 euros. The prizes will be given based solely on players' McMahon points. This means that the prize money may be divided between several players.
All the players that manage to win at least four games will receive 20 euros.
If a player is eligible for both prizes, he/she will receive the bigger prize (but not both prizes).
|| || Saturday 4.10.
|11:00|Registration begins
|12:00|Registration ends
|12:30|1st round
|15:30|2nd round
|18:00|3rd round
|In the evening|Casual playing at YliGo's club room
|| || Sunday 5.10.
|10:30|The doors open
|11:00|4th round
|14:00|5th round
|About 16:15|Prize giving ceremony
|In the evening| [Kallio-go|KallioGo] goes [Bar Chaplin|]
If you want to start the tournament later than the 1st round, make sure that you come to the tournament director and register at least 15 minutes before the round starts.
!!Contact information
Tournament Director: Arto Heikkinen,, +35850 304 3850.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 04-Oct-2014 13:20 9.535 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous
5 03-Oct-2014 11:08 9.494 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last Enkkoilmo päättyy tänään klo 20:00, pre-registration ends today at 20:00
4 30-Sep-2014 09:32 9.408 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last Helsinki Casual 9x9 side tournament on saturday
3 04-Sep-2014 19:47 6.843 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
2 04-Sep-2014 18:46 6.76 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
1 30-Aug-2014 08:04 2.869 kB Arto Heikkinen to last
« This page (revision-6) was last changed on 04-Oct-2014 13:20 by Arto Heikkinen