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This page (revision-25) was last changed on 28-Sep-2006 15:12 by Tuomas Ojamies  

This page was created on 17-Mar-2003 19:55 by Matti_Siivola

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Difference between version and

At line 7 added one line
| [{Counter}] | [Vesa Laatikainen|Vesa]| 5 dan | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
At line 9 added 8 lines
| [{Counter}] | [Lauri Paatero]| 3 dan | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | [Jari Koivikko]| 5 kyu | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | Hannu Pajula| 6 kyu | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | Harri Halttunen| 8 kyu |[HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | Marja Aittamaa| 8 kyu |[HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | [Roman Sudarikov]| 9 kyu | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | Mikko Arola| 21 kyu | [HGK|HelsinginGoKerho]
| [{Counter}] | Tuomas Korppi | 4 kyu | HGK
At line 15 removed 7 lines
| [{Counter}] | | |
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At line 25 changed 15 lines
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| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | [Jarno Pikkumäki]| 5 kyu | [PoGo]
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | [Mikael Runonen|Falla]| 5 kyu | [PoGo]
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | [Jari Mustonen]| 9 kyu | [PoGo]
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | [Ari-Pekka Perkkiö]| 10 kyu | [PoGo]
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
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| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
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| [{Counter name=pogo}] | | |
At line 43 changed 5 lines
| [{Counter}] | | |
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| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter name=kumpivaan}] | [Jan Hlinovsky] | 6 kyu | Kanada
| [{Counter name=kumpivaan}] | Tuomas Ojamies| 8 kyu | [YliGo]
| [{Counter name=kumpivaan}] | [Kalle Kytölä]| 10 kyu | [YliGo]
| [{Counter name=kumpivaan}] | | |
| [{Counter name=kumpivaan}] | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
25 28-Sep-2006 15:12 2.079 kB Tuomas Ojamies to previous
24 01-Apr-2003 17:12 2.085 kB to previous | to last
23 01-Apr-2003 17:11 2.129 kB to previous | to last
22 31-Mar-2003 18:10 2.085 kB to previous | to last
21 31-Mar-2003 18:00 2.057 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-25) was last changed on 28-Sep-2006 15:12 by Tuomas Ojamies