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This page (revision-27) was last changed on 30-Aug-2013 12:48 by  

This page was created on 07-May-2013 21:44 by

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At line 1 added 6 lines
Valitettavan suuren määrän peruutuksista johtuen peruutetaan koko turnaus. Valitetaan, kokeillaan taas joskus toiste. Jos joku kuitenkin haluaa tulla pelaamaan, olette tervetulleita.
At line 9 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Tuomo Salo | 3 dan | setti | kyllä |
|[{Counter}]| Lauri Paatero | 4 dan | | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Yang Bingheng|4 dan | |ei |
|[{Counter}]| Jouni Valkonen | 1 dan | kello |ehkä (oma teltta) |
At line 11 changed 2 lines
|[{Counter}]| Aura Tamminen | 9 kyu | setti | kyllä | Jee!
|[{Counter}]| Timo Nevalainen | 17 kyu | lauta+kivet | ei |
|[{Counter}]| Teemu Kettunen | ei oo | lauta+kivet | ei |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
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|[{Counter}]| | | | |
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 30-Aug-2013 12:48 0.866 kB to previous
26 30-Aug-2013 10:22 0.67 kB to previous | to last
25 29-Aug-2013 22:11 0.732 kB b to previous | to last Sorry :-/
24 29-Aug-2013 18:12 0.841 kB to previous | to last
23 27-Aug-2013 20:57 0.903 kB to previous | to last
22 27-Aug-2013 16:54 0.978 kB to previous | to last
21 26-Aug-2013 16:52 1.073 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-27) was last changed on 30-Aug-2013 12:48 by