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This page (revision-83) was last changed on 06-Sep-2012 23:00 by  

This page was created on 13-Oct-2010 16:21 by Assu

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Hey, I'm Javier Savolainen and this is my online Go-school project which started in October 2010.
Since then I've organized 5 study seasons with several groups.\\
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__Teacher?__ Javier-Aleksi Savolainen, aka [Assu] 5 dan.
Lets start the study circle for August! As usual, the program is as follows:
Study circle at 20:00, Reviewing games played with the teacher(Ergoproxy), tournament games, professional games.\\
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__For Whom?:__\\
__#1. group__ dan players? \\
__2. ryhmä__ 2 kyu- 5 kyu?
__3. ryhmä__ 6 kyu - 10 kyu?
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__program:__ Game reviews, tournament games, lectures and simultaneous games! Once a week, please suggest a weekday and time. 1,5 hours once a week. __klo 20:00__\\
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__06/2012 News__
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__hinta:__ 15€/ month, includes 4x 1,5 hour sessions. Includes homework and everything we cover during the classtime.
As some of you might know, I've been quite busy with my studies, but I'm finally starting to settle down here in Mikkeli.\\
This means I'm going to have some time for Online-lessons again. Please put your name on the list if you're interested in joining us.
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||Group||level|| weekday
| A | 1-4d| __Tuesday?__ ! Day undecided
| B | 3k-1k| -
| C | 8k-4k| -
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__ I'm using the KGS-audio system for the sessions, which is very convenient. We discuss amateur games, for which I prepare some questions and give you some insight of a stronger play. We will be looking at tournament games of stronger and little bit weaker players as well. In may 2011 we also played some simultaneous games.
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__notice.__ You are more likely to get your games reviewed if you send me the games by e-mail, before hand. Please, enjoy the study circle!
__Activity list__
||__activity__||level|| lenght || Price
| Game reviews | All| |
| Tournament games | All| |
| Pro-game Lectures | All| |
| Simultaneous games | All| |
| __Total__ | |90 minutes/once a week | 15€/month
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Questions and inquieries by e-mail -> __javi91jr@hotmail.com__
or by message through kgs.\\
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__June:__ __ Welcome to take part on Kgs study circle season #4! The best trainings of the year start from here!!!__\\
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__New:__ Please ask the teacher if you want to join as an observer.
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__Why should you join us?__
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__AB-group 2k-3d:__ Maanantait klo 20:00, Aloitetaan 16. toukokuuta. Jos on kysyttävää ottakaa yhteyttä.\\
||__Why?__||x|| Result || notes
| You like to play Go |x |new experiences |
| You enjoy learning new/better ways to play |x |Improvement in level |
| Customized teaching |x | Best value for your money|
| To enjoy our group activities |x |Get to know new Go-players |
| kgs-audio system |x |Learning Go has never been this convenient |
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Contact me by e-mail -> __javier.savolainen@aalto.fi__
__Note:__ Please ask if you want to join as an observer.
__August 2012 participation list:__
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|| ||Nimi/kgs account||rank|| weekday | group
|[{Counter}]| | | |
|[{Counter}]| Mikko Litmanen | 3 dan| Arki-illat sopii parhaiten | A
|[{Counter}]| Anttoni Maula| 2k | kaikki paitsi keskiviikko ilta. | 2. ryhmä
|[{Counter}]| Smarre | 1k | Arkena klo 19 jälkeen tai viikonloppuna | A?
|[{Counter}]| Pekka Lukkari| 2dan | ma, ke-pe klo 18 -> | A
|[{Counter}]| Mo | 1d | monday, tuesday 20:00 | A
|[{Counter}]| darg? |1 dan | |
|[{Counter}]| f1nal | 10k | All except mondays and wednesdays | observer
|[{Counter}]| | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | |
|| ||Nimi/kgs account||rank|| weekday || group|| start day
|[{Counter}]| Javier | 5dan| monday-sunday| Teacher|06.8->
|[{Counter}]| kt123 | 3dan| tu-we-th| A|
|[{Counter}]| Mo | 1dan| su-mo| A|
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
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Group levels will be adjusted according to participants' level.
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
83 06-Sep-2012 23:00 1.983 kB to previous
82 31-Jul-2012 19:54 1.986 kB to previous | to last Opintopiiri alkaa taas elokuun alussa. Tervetuloa mukaan
81 10-Jul-2012 22:00 2.053 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-83) was last changed on 06-Sep-2012 23:00 by