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This page was created on 06-Nov-2003 00:38 by

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Epic Go Club on kansainvälinen go-klubi joka toimii pääasiassa ircistä käsin. Löydät meidät kanavalta #go.epic Quakenetistä (Olemme suurin gohon liittyvä kanava Quakenetissä). Meillä on myös huone [KGS]:ssä. Kuka tahansa voi liittyä klubiin, tulkaa vain irc kanavalle ensin. :) [.|]
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ScooterJuly 18, 2012Just finished setnitg one of these POS routers up. For some unknown reason the only way I could talk to it was to restart the computer I was using to set the router up. This should not have mattered as I set my local IP address to static in the same range and subnet as the modem. I'm by no means new to networking and found this modem (N300) to be one of the worst in terms of setup. Don't even bother installing the setup CD as the only thing it seems to do is bring a person to this website. On a bright note; the software will let you know if a firmware update is available.IMHO, stay away from the Belkin products. I'm putting them in the same category as D-Link. I'll stick with Trendnet and Netgear for my inexpensive stuff!
--[Chicacheci|http://bK4DBXoBgF], 08-Aug-2013 00:38
Ja tässä on jäsenlista joka on päivitetty 20.01.2004 ([EpicWikistä|] saa ajantasalla olevan version):
|| Irc Nick || Real Name || KGS Nick || Country || KGS\IRL Ranking
| Absorbed | Mark Youngman | Absorbed | UK | 30kyu \ ?
| Ashburnie | Aleksis Kauppinen | Ashburnie | Finland | 4kyu \ 6kyu
| Coran | Niko Salovaara | Coran | Finland | ? \ 19kyu
| Cuda | Jaakko Saarinen | Cuda | Finland | 9kyu \ 12kyu
| Darg-san | Feng Huang | Darg | Finland | 23kyu \ ?
| Eld | Jonatan Pöljö | eld | Sweden | 12kyu \ ?
| Felix | Janne Lahdenperä | FelixK | Finland | 13kyu \ ?
| Freakwave | Ville Nurmi | Freakwave | Finland | ? \ 28kyu
| ICE | David Gouldby | Tyjet | UK | 22kyu \ ?
| karldall | karl dall | karldall | Germany | -
| Lautta | Ville Lauttamus | Lautta | Finland | ? \ ?
| Lenkki-dono | Mikael Leiviskä | Lenkki | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
| Pokaali | Sampo Syrjänen | pokaali | Finland | 7kyu \ 10kyu
| Shiona | Juho Jokelainen | Shiona | Finland | 13kyu \ 15kyu
| Snabbis | Tuomo Ruuhijoki | Snabba | Finland | 18-19kyu \ ?
| st`sTriker | Dennis Fischer | Striker | Germany | 18kyu \ ?
| Soksoo | Jamie Sythes | Soksoo | UK | 12kyu \ ?
| Supe | - | Supe | Finland | 18kyu \ ?
| Tanthie | Olli-Pekka Hautamäki | Tanthie | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
| wicket | Paul Taylor | wicket | UK | 2dan \ 1 dan
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
23 29-May-2017 02:35 2.152 kB to previous
22 08-Aug-2013 09:11 2.232 kB to previous | to last spämmi pois
21 08-Aug-2013 00:38 0.829 kB Chicacheci to previous | to last js9CD1jRXFj
« This page (revision-23) was last changed on 29-May-2017 02:35 by