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This page (revision-48) was last changed on 09-Feb-2013 09:14 by Henry Hemming  

This page was created on 15-Jan-2013 17:14 by Mikael Nenonen

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Difference between version and

At line 5 changed one line
|#|Nimi |Luokitus |Kerho|Muuta
|#|Nimi |Luokitus |Kerho|Uho
At line 7 changed one line
|[{Counter}]|Pekka Lajunen |3 dan |HGK | saunonko?
|[{Counter}]|Pekka Lajunen |3 dan |HGK | saunonko? osallistuminen epävarmaa
At line 12 added one line
|[{Counter}]|Joonas Ylönen |2 dan |Yligo |Dangolaisille en hävii enää
At line 13 changed 3 lines
|[{Counter}]|Olli Pulkkinen |1 dan |Dango |Egolle pataan
|[{Counter}]|Jouni Valkonen |1 dan | Hayashi | häviit mulle kuitenkin
|[{Counter}]|Anttoni Maula |1 dan |YliGo | mä en hävii!
|[{Counter}]|Olli Pulkkinen |1 dan |Dango |Egolle pataan
At line 20 changed one line
|[{Counter}]| Petri Haustola | 4 kyu | Tengen |
|[{Counter}]|Sari Kohonen |3 kyu |eGo |
At line 24 changed 2 lines
|[{Counter}]|Aura Tamminen |9 kyu |YliGo |
|[{Counter}]|Henna Lounela |9 kyu |eGo |
|[{Counter}]|Eelis Solala | 5 kyu | eGo |
|[{Counter}]|Atte Jaantila |8 kyu |OWL | Munkitan itteni väh. 3-kyuks
At line 28 removed one line
|[{Counter}]|Atte Jaantila |8 kyu |OWL | no en tod muuta
At line 57 removed 22 lines
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
48 09-Feb-2013 09:14 2.056 kB Henry Hemming to previous gibee, eib bääse belaan vaig guinga galuais.
47 09-Feb-2013 09:10 2.125 kB Anttoni Maula to previous | to last kipee :(
46 09-Feb-2013 08:15 2.183 kB to previous | to last
45 08-Feb-2013 22:52 2.229 kB to previous | to last
44 08-Feb-2013 22:25 2.186 kB to previous | to last
43 08-Feb-2013 22:15 2.161 kB to previous | to last
42 08-Feb-2013 16:18 2.148 kB to previous | to last
41 08-Feb-2013 11:35 2.103 kB Mikael Nenonen to previous | to last
« This page (revision-48) was last changed on 09-Feb-2013 09:14 by Henry Hemming