Kani6 - Rabbity 6 2025 - After Round 5
Place Name                                 Club     Level Rating Score     1        2        3        4        5    Points ScoreX   SOS   SOSOS
   1  Puha, Timo                           fi-Kanp  4 Dan  2358    26      7+       8+       9+       3+       5+      5      26    120    596 
   2  Silfver, Anton                       se-Link  3 Dan  2326    25     11+       3-      12+       7+       4+      4      25    118    599 
   3  Dach, Bartik                         cz-BMik  4 Dan  2377    24     14+       2+       4+       1-       6-      3      24    122    593 
   4  Lajunen, Pekka                       fi-HGK   2 Dan  2217    24      6+       5+       3-       9+       2-      3      24    121    595 
   5  Lainela, Heikki                      fi-Kanp  2 Dan  2197    24     15+       4-       6+      11+       1-      3      24    120    594 
   6  Ervelae, Olli                        fi-Kanp  4 Dan  2420    24      4-      10+       5-      15+       3+      3      24    119    592 
   7  Robichon, Nicolas                    fr-38Gr  3 Dan  2269    24      1-      22+       8+       2-      13+      3      24    119    588 
  (8) Rovio, Teemu                         fi-Kanp  2 Dan  2189    24     13+       1-       7-      12+      14+      3      24    119    588 
   9  Lavesson, Oskar                      se-Lund  1 Dan  2066    24     21+      12+       1-       4-      18+      3      24    116    583 
  10  Petajaniemi, Tomi                    fi-Kanp  2 Dan  2184    24     12-       6-      22+      16+      11+      3      24    114    582 
  11  Keipi, Pekka                         fi-YliG  2 Dan  2137    23      2-      14+      16+       5-      10-      2      23    119    578 
  12  Stoehr, Marc                         se-Stoc  1 Dan  2130    23     10+       9-       2-       8-      21+      2      23    118    582 
  13  Nikula, Janne                        fi-YliG  2 Dan  2165    23      8-      15+      14-      17+       7-      2      23    116    578 
  14  Heikkinen, Juho                      fi-PoGo  2 Dan  2158    23      3-      11-      13+      21+       8-      2      23    115    591 
  15  Jantunen, Markku                     fi-Laht  3 Dan  2271    23      5-      13-      20+       6-      17+      2      23    115    569 
  16  Tsarigradski, Nikola                 bg-Sofi  1 Dan  2028    23     18+      21+      11-      10-      22+      3      23    111    572 
  17  Komulainen, Tuomo                    fi-Haya  1 Kyu  1975    22     22-      19+      21+      13-      15-      2      22    110    566 
  18  Gronroos, Mika                       fi-Haya  2 Kyu  1830    22     16-      26+      19+      23+       9-      3      22    109    545 
  19  Kylmaenen, Kai                       se-Stoc  2 Kyu  1917    22     23+      17-      18-      22+      26+      3      22    105    547 
  20  Pakkanen, Lumi                       fi-Haya  2 Kyu  1856    22     24-      25+      15-      26+      23+      3      22    104    522 
  21  Rovio, Suvi                          fi-Kanp  2 Dan  2035    21      9-      16-      17-      14-      12-      0      21    115    570 
  22  Kuzmin, Timofey                      fi-Kanp  1 Kyu  1949    21     17+       7-      10-      19-      16-      1      21    115    559 
  23  Damaz, Dani                          fi-Kanp  3 Kyu  1835    21     19-      24+      26+      18-      20-      2      21    106    523 
  24  Tao, Shi                             cn       3 Kyu  1792    21     20+      23-      27+       -        -       2      20     98    482 
  25  Haustola, Petri                      fi-Teng  4 Kyu  1672    20     26-      20-      30+      28+      27+      3      20     96    474½
  26  Pitkanen, Olli                       fi-YliG  3 Kyu  1751    19     25+      18-      23-      20-      19-      1      19    107    520 
  27  Kaipiainen, Eero                     fi-eGo   5 Kyu  1606    19     29+      32+      24-      30+      25-      3      19     92    448 
  28  Pitkajarvi, Lauri                    fi-Kanp  5 Kyu  1615    19      -        -       32+      25-      31+      2      18     85    420½
  29  Jutila, Jussa                        fi-Kanp  6 Kyu  1510    18     27-      30-      33+      36+      32+      3      18     77½   408 
  30  Leinonen, Peitsa                     fi-Kanp  6 Kyu  1492    17     32-      29+      25-      27-      33+      2      17     86½   431½
  31  Carlson, Henry                       fi-eGo   7 Kyu  1286    17     33+      34+      36+      32+      28-      4      17     74½   375½
  32  Lanz, Roberto                        fi-Haya  6 Kyu  1479    16     30+      27-      28-      31-      29-      1      16     90    415½
  33  Hilpinen, Joni                       fi-Kanp 10 Kyu  1131    13½    31-      36+      29-       -       30-      1      13     76    362 
  34  Arola, Aura                          fi-Kanp  7 Kyu  1113    14     36+      31-       -        -       37+      2      13     61    287 
  35  Lång, Akuliina                       fi      13 Kyu   800    13    free      39+      40+      37+      38+      5      13     34    179 
  36  Sorvila, Taavi                       fi-Haya 10 Kyu  1084    12     34-      33-      31-      29-      39+      1      12     63½   335 
  37  Selinheimo, Joni                     fi-Haya  9 Kyu   793    10     38-      40+      39+      35-      34-      2      10     39    201 
  38  Long, Yunzhi                         fi-YliG 14 Kyu   540     9     37+       -        -       39+      35-      2       8     36    179 
  39  Cockle, Kathryn                              20 Kyu   100     1     40-      35-      37-      38-      36-      0       1     46    196½
  40  Raukamo, Jemina                      fi-Kanp 20 Kyu    25     2     39+      37-      35-       -        -       1       1     24    119 

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
2025-03-01 Bartik Dach 4d - Pe... 4.2 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:19 Pekka L
2025-03-01 Nicolas R - Timo Pu... 1.1 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:15 Pekka L
2025-03-01 Olli Ervelae 4d - P... 6.3 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:18 Pekka L
2025-03-01 Pekka Lajunen - Hei... 4.7 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:17 Pekka L
2025-03-01 Teemu Rovio - Nicol... 6.3 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:16 Pekka L
2025-03-01 Timo Puha - Teemu R... 5.2 kB 1 01-Mar-2025 22:20 Pekka L
2025-03-02 Olli Ervelae 4d - B... 6.6 kB 1 02-Mar-2025 20:57 Pekka L
2025-03-02 Pekka Lajunen 2 dan... 3.2 kB 1 03-Mar-2025 00:18 Pekka L
2025-03-02 Pekka Lajunen 2 dan... 137.1 kB 1 03-Mar-2025 00:21 Pekka L
2025-03-02 Silfver Anton 3 dan... 2.7 kB 1 02-Mar-2025 20:58 Pekka L
2025-03-03 Silfver Anton - Pek... 4.3 kB 1 03-Mar-2025 00:22 Pekka L

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