
Helsinki Grand Prix Go Tournament 1997 will be held in Pihlajamäki in Helsinki on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th June. We invite all go players to enjoy the tournament and the best summer time of Finland. (And try to grab the few GP points still available.)

Tournament site:
Helsingin Uusi Yhteiskoulu, Rapakiventie 18. To get to the school, take buses 71 or 71S or local trains P,I,N or T to Pukinmäki station (half a kilometer's walk to the school).
    5 Rounds McMahon 
    1 h 20 min + 30 s byo-yomi 
    Komi 5,5 points
    Tournament fee:
    100 FIM
    Youth hostel: 50 - 75 FIM per person per night. 
    Limited private accommodation available.

    If you want the accommodation to be arranged for you please contact please contact before June 1st.
    Saturday, 28th June
    10-10.45 Registration 
    11.00 1st Round 
    15.00 2nd Round 
    18.00 3rd round
    Sunday, 29th June
    10.00 4th Round 
    14.00 5th Round 
    17.00 Prizegiving

    Pleasant atmosphere and attractive prizes. In the evenings there will be party, sauna, playing activities, etc.
    Vesa Laatikainen, Laakavuorentie 14 B 48, 00970 Helsinki 
    phone home: 358-9-395 1391, work: 358-9-5128 2587

    Matti Siivola, Rautkalliontie 4 B 24, 01360 Vantaa 
    phone home: 358-9-87 44 283, work: 358-9-1912 7394 

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