Until the master edit, only a few links:

Contact information

  • Tarmo Jüristo
    • Wiedemanni 4-16
    • Tallinn
    • Estonia
    • e-mail tarmo.juristo@lhv.ee
    • phone +372 50 86 786.

There are also some webpage about Estonian go: http://www.kendo.ee/go and http://www.moomin.ee/go. Both are in estonian only for the time being - and an open mailinglist at golistATkendoDOTee (mail to minorfishATkendoDOTee for instructions).

There's an Estonian room on KGS (under "Social").

I realize that it's very early indeed to speak of Tallinn as a major tournament venue. Nevertheless, I shall present a long-term vision of Tallinn as a possible venue of European Go Congress. Tallinn happens to be ideally located for the congress in Northern Europe. Finland has a large player base and very easy access to Tallinn. Ditto for St. Petersburg (to some extent this is true of Moscow also). Tallinn is also easily and cheaply reached by car, bus, and train through and from the other Baltic states and Poland. There is a regular ferry connection from Stockholm. Tallinn also has an international airport with flights to all European airline hubs. Consumer prices in Estonia are low compared with the old EU-countries (currently about 40 % of Finnish price level). Tallinn is also easily reachable from Finland, a destination of a few low-fares airlines based in Western Europe. If a major tournament were organized in Tallinn, a lot of Finns would arrive by car making cheap rides arrangeable. All it takes is a strong enough national go organization to develop in Estonia.

-- Markku Jantunen, 11.5. 2004

Uusi sivu: http://www.cs.ut.ee/~lipmaa/go/

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