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Seuraavan erittäin ikävän viestin minulle postitti Charles Robbins jenkeistä:

"Hans Pietsch (Nihon Kiin 4 Dan) was shot and killed during a robbery on the morning of 2003-01-16 in Guatemala.

I met Hans in November of 2001 when I was in Japan for 2 weeks. He was very friendly and did his best to make me feel welcome in Japan.

When I next met Hans it was in Zagreb in July of 2002. He had no reason to remember me. Yet he did remember me. Again he was friendly as if we had been friends forever.

The Go World has lost a very good man. I will him miss him when I travel abroad and remember how friendly he was to a stranger."

Minä ja Markku tutustuimme Hansiin Zagrebissa. Vielä muistan elävästi kuinka olimme ratikalla menossa diskoon, satoi kaatamalla ja Markku selitti Hansille gorilloiden ja ihmisten lihasten erilaisuudesta. Markku roikkui yhdellä kädellä ratikan katossa olevasta tangosta ja me nauroimme vedet silmissä.


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« This particular version was published on 20-Jan-2003 09:01 by JaakkoTurust.