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This page (revision-11) was last changed on 07-Jul-2006 00:56 by  

This page was created on 07-May-2006 18:19 by

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Difference between version and

At line 14 changed one line
*Japanese rules
*Japanese rules -89
*Tie breakers: For the top three places, SOS only
At line 17 added 2 lines
The tournament is paired by Miika Hannus and the referee is Paavo Pietarila. \\
At line 18 removed one line
*Blind 9*9 cup tournament, on one game day
At line 22 changed 3 lines
*Money prizes for the top three players
*Fans and such?
*I: 100 e
*II: 70 e
*III: 40 e
*There may be slight changes
At line 27 changed 3 lines
*Normally about 15 euros
*Cut fees for bringing a board and stones (and clocks, too) (about 12 euros)
*About 10 euros for players 10-kyu and under
*Normally 15 euros
*Players who bring a board and stones: 12 euros
*Players who bring a set (a board, stones and a clock): 10 euros
*10 euros for players 10-kyu and under
At line 43 removed one line
*17.00 Blind 9*9 go or sandbag go
At line 51 changed one line
*17.00 Blind 9*9 go or sandbag go
*17.00 Sandbag go
*~19.00 Game evening and sauna
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 07-Jul-2006 00:56 1.81 kB to previous
10 05-Jul-2006 02:35 1.737 kB to previous | to last
9 05-Jul-2006 02:05 1.737 kB to previous | to last
8 24-Jun-2006 19:10 1.663 kB null to previous | to last
7 23-Jun-2006 01:22 1.619 kB to previous | to last
6 23-Jun-2006 01:21 1.669 kB to previous | to last
5 19-Jun-2006 15:22 1.564 kB to previous | to last
4 26-May-2006 14:13 0.923 kB to previous | to last
3 11-May-2006 18:12 0.932 kB Ian Davis to previous | to last
2 08-May-2006 16:33 0.932 kB Ian Davis to previous | to last
1 07-May-2006 18:19 0.929 kB to last
« This page (revision-11) was last changed on 07-Jul-2006 00:56 by