Tampere is reachable from abroad by plane, train, or bus.

Tampere-Pirkkala airport is served by several carriers including

Finnair flies to Tampere from Helsinki. Scandinavian Airlines has daily flights to Tampere from Stockholm and Copenhagen. Ryanair flies every day from London(Stanstead), Frankfurt(Hahn), and Riga.

Tampere is also cheaply reachable from Stockholm via Helsinki by an air-bus connection. FlyMe still has cheap flights available from Stockholm to Helsinki. There is relatively cheap and convenient bus connection to Tampere bus station directly from Helsinki-Vantaa airport. Also see flights from many cities to Helsinki (and Tampere) by Blue1.

Rail connections are provided by Finnish State Railways. Direct train connections exist from the port cities of Helsinki, Turku, and Vaasa. There is also a direct train connection from Oulu, which is the fastest way to reach Tampere from Haparanda. One can buy a ticket from St. Petersburg to Tampere, but one must transfer in Riihimäki. Traveling by train costs approximately 10 euros per 100 km.

Information on bus connections is provided by Matkahuolto. Traveling by bus is somewhat cheaper than by train. There is no direct bus connection between Tampere and Oulu.

Traveling by ferry to the port cities of Turku, Helsinki, or Vaasa is an option for those arriving from Scandinavia or Estonia. International ferry connections to Turku and Helsinki are provided by Silja Line and Viking Line. The sea link from Tallinn to Helsinki is operated by Silja Line, Viking Line, Tallink, and Nordic Jetline.

The venue is Tampere University of Technology, Tietotalo, Restaurant Zip. The venue is located in the Hervanta district 10 kms to the southeast of the city centre. City buses number 30 and 13 have stops close to Tietotalo. Buses number 30 (to Etelä-Hervanta) and 13 (to Hermia) depart from Keskustori (the central market square). If you take bus number 30, get off the bus at the large red shopping centre in Hervanta. The ride takes about 20-25 minutes. Tietotalo is the yellow building closest to the shopping centre, about 150 m to the east of it on the other side of the construction site. Bus number 13 stops right next to Tietotalo. Just before Hervanta, the bus makes a long steep climb uphill. Tietotalo is about 1 km after that.

Detailed directions between street addresses in Finland can be found using Matka.fi. Note that Tietotalo (street address Korkeakoulunkatu 1) is not yet on the map used by Matka.fi. The building is quite new. Use Korkeakoulunkatu 3, the address of Sähkötalo, which is the building right next to Tietotalo, instead. The maps should be printable.

Map of the campus area

Map of Hervanta http://kani6.suomigo.net/kani6-kartta.png

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